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Formation of Children's Knowledge: Implications of Piaget's Theory in Cognitive Development


According to the theory of cognitive development proposed by Piaget, the process of forming knowledge in children is not limited to mere direct interaction between the senses and the physical environment. Despite sensory experiences, such as seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting, serving as the initial foundation for understanding the surrounding world, Piaget emphasizes the importance of thinking about change in building further knowledge. In this context, children are not merely "passive recipients" of information through their senses; instead, they begin to develop more complex reactions and responses to their environment. For instance, when a child tastes sugar with their tongue, the experience goes beyond the sensation of the taste itself. It introduces the concept of variations in the shape and type of sugar, recognizable through sight. However, Piaget does not confine his concept solely to sensory experiences. The process of knowledge formation in children involves thinking about change. In other words, children actively construct their understanding through a series of more complex cognitive activities.

As an example, children learn through observing and imitating behaviors in everyday situations, such as communal eating activities. A child carefully observing a teacher pouring soup from a pot into a bowl with a ladle may internalize that such an action is an effective way to prevent spills. While initial supervision may be necessary, children subsequently learn by manipulating objects, altering them according to their needs. Through the complex interaction of observation, imitation, object manipulation, and thinking about change, children gradually build and organize their knowledge. This forms the foundation of their cognitive development, aligning with the stages described by Piaget's theory.

Here are some things we can do to help build children's knowledge:

1.      Direct Practice Activities: In these activities, children are given the opportunity to interact directly with specific objects or situations. The goal is to provide practical experiences that allow them not only to recognize but also to understand concepts or related information. Through direct experience, children can connect theory with reality, enriching their understanding.

2.      Storytelling Activities: The use of stories or fairy tales as a learning tool aims to give children a deep understanding of how to convey messages and values. Through narratives, children can absorb information in a more enjoyable manner and build their ability to communicate ideas effectively.

3.      Question and Answer Activities: This activity not only aims to ask questions of children but also encourages them to develop critical thinking skills. Through interactive dialogue, children are actively involved in the learning process, providing responses, and formulating questions that enrich their learning experiences.

4.      Project Activities: Providing children with opportunities to engage in learning projects that involve exploring the surrounding environment. These projects not only develop children's creativity but also involve them in the process of research, observation, and problem-solving, enriching their understanding of the world around them.

5.      Role-Playing Activities: By adopting roles outside of themselves, children can develop empathy and understanding of other people's perspectives. Moreover, this activity also trains children's abstract thinking skills by immersing themselves in historical contexts or situations that may occur in the future.

6.      Demonstration Activities: In this activity, children gain understanding through visualization and demonstration of a concept or process. Showing concrete steps or stages of an event helps children understand concepts that may be difficult to grasp through verbal explanations alone.

Children build their knowledge through direct interaction with objects in direct practice activities, allowing them to experience and understand concepts practically. Storytelling activities help them acquire an understanding of how to communicate and convey ideas. Through question and answer activities, children actively participate in learning, stimulating critical thinking skills. Project activities involve exploring the environment, developing creativity, and gaining a deeper understanding. Role-playing helps children develop empathy and abstract thinking skills. Demonstrations, by illustrating a concept or process, help children understand concepts that may be challenging to comprehend through verbal explanations alone. This overall approach reflects the principles of Piaget's cognitive development theory, where children's knowledge is built through experience, thinking, and active exploration.

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